Course Description

In this course, you will master sophisticated techniques for data manipulation using the dplyr package. You will learn to filter, select, sort, mutate and summarize data. You will learn to join tables, make your code readable using pipes and use tibbles instead of data frames. Data does not come in the structure or shape in which we need it for analysis and a lot of time is spent in getting the data into shape. As such reshaping data is an invaluable skill set for a data scientist.

What will I learn?

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • filter data
  • select variables/columns
  • sort/arrange data
  • generate new variables/columns
  • create grouped summaries

Self Paced Online Courses

Our online self paced courses are designed to allow participants to learn at their convenience. Learning outcomes are clearly defined and enhanced by the use of byte sized videos, PPTs, assignments, quizzes, suggested reading and case studies. Participants can take advantage of the discussion forum to discuss with their peers and the instructors to enhance their learning experience.

Course Features

Course Requirements
  • Access to a computer with an internet connection

  • Ability and permissions to download files & install software

  • Basic knowledge of English (Course is delivered in English language)

Who is this course for?

We expect the students to have some prior experience with R and RStudio. If you have never used R before, our Introduction to R course will help you prepare for this course.

If I do not meet the requirements to enroll, what should I do?

We have a number of free courses that can help you prepare including:

  • Introduction to R

  • Import Data into R

How will I execute the practicals?

You will use RStudio for the practicals. All the R scripts used in the examples, assignments and case study are available for download from the Learning Management System. For those of you who face issues installing RStudio on your system, we have created a RStudio cloud project where you can practice without installing any software or downloading files.

Do I need to apply? What are the admission criteria?

No. This course is open to enrolment for all and accepts students regardless of experience and background.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Materials

    • Slides

    • R Script

    • Data

    • Blog Post

  • 2


    • Course Agenda

    • Case Study - Overview

    • Case Study - Solution

    • Case Study - Data

  • 3


    • Learn to filter data

    • Case Study

  • 4


    • Learn to select data

    • Case Study

  • 5


    • Learn to group data

  • 6


    • Learn to summarize data - Part 1

    • Learn to summarize data - Part 2

    • Learn to summarize data - Part 3

  • 7


    • Learn to create new variables

  • 8


    • Learn to sort data

  • 9


    • Case Study - Solution

    • Summary

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